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Getting Started

FAQ: Does the program provide intervention materials?

FAQ: Does the program provide intervention materials?

The Read Side by Side program is designed to support Tier 1 & Tier 2 instruction. Strategies for working with students who struggle are provided in Chapter 5 of the Assessment and Intervention Guide. This guide can be purchased in our online store. Read on to find out about how our program provides opportunities for reaching ALL learners.
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A daily schedule prioritizes reading.

A daily schedule prioritizes reading.

The amount of time spent reading is what increases reading skill. Our program provides the opportunity for students to read 36 chapter books in grades 3-6. Find out how to set up your daily schedule in order to provide your students with the time they need to read to increase their reading skill.
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What do I need to do to get ready to teach the program?

What do I need to do to get ready to teach the program?

Are you curious about what you need to do in order to be ready to teach the program? Here we provide a checklist for you so that you can be sure to have everything in place on Day 1.
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