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A daily schedule prioritizes reading.

A daily schedule prioritizes reading.

What the science says:
"The science points to 90-minutes of reading instruction each day for students in the middle grades," (Dewitz, 2023).

45-minute Read-Aloud Block

10-minute vocabulary lesson

35-minute read-aloud lesson

Vocabulary Instruction: Students will learn an average of 1 vocabulary word a day. A vocabulary handbook provides a morpheme glossary and daily graphic organizers. Instruction is conducted whole-class and students are actively engaged in the lesson.

Students will have an opportunity to practice the words immediately in the read-aloud lesson as they turn and talk, note-take, and write in response to reading!

Read-Aloud Instruction: Scripted read-aloud lessons provide an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and comprehension. As the teacher reads aloud, students:

  • follow along in their own copy of the text,
  • collaborate with their peers through turn and talk and whole-class discussions,
  • Note-take and write in response to reading.

45-minute Book Club Block

5-minute whole class lesson

40-minute work time & collaboration with peers

Book Club Instruction: Scripted lessons and book club discussions provide an opportunity for students to transfer skills to text they are reading themselves. Texts are differentiated for 3-levels of scaffolding:

  • Below grade level (1-grade below),
  • On grade level; and
  • Above grade level (1-grade above).

Book club teacher's guides provide a sustainable management routine to foster independence:

  • Mini-lessons are taught whole-class; all students review and practice the same skill each day.
  • Students work independently or with a partner during the work time.
  • The teacher monitors the room and conferences with students or groups as needed.
  • Formal book club meetings are led by the teacher 4 times in each unit.
  • A must-do, may-do list keeps students in meaningful seat work when they are finished.

Early finishers can select books from the classroom library book boxes to read in class or take home for nightly reading!